Morning Inspiration: Ideas For A Morning Routine That Will Make You Happier

Published on 07/26/2021

What you do every morning has a big impact on how you feel the entire day. A perfect morning routine gives you motivation, relaxation, and positive energy for the day. In the following, we present you 7 tips to be more inspired in the morning and throughout the day.

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Morning Inspiration: Ideas For A Morning Routine That Will Make You Happier

Start Your Day Offline

The first thing you do in the morning is checking your emails or how many likes you got on your new Instagram post? Before you plan your everyday life in the morning according to other people’s agenda, take some time for yourself. Consciously choose self-determination instead of external control. As a result, you live much more consciously and perceive your emotional state better. A little habit that can lead to more mindfulness.

Be Aware Of Your Body

In times of stress, it can be easy to not pay enough attention to the body. Under psychological stress, not only your thoughts but also your entire body are tense. The latter is characterized, for example, by poor posture, which in the long term can often lead to back pain, shoulder pain or neck pain. So breathe in and out deeply and take care of your body. Take some deep breaths and stretch your tense areas of the body.

Be Thankful

Think about 3 things that you are thankful for. Many studies have shown that being thankful makes you happier.  With gratitude, you bring more abundance into your life. Because you focus your gaze on the positive. On what is already there and not on what you are missing. As a result, you automatically experience feelings of happiness and increase your well-being.

Warm Glass Of Lemon Water

According to Ayurvedic medicine, which has existed for over 5000 years, warm lemon water strengthens your health sustainably after getting up. Immediately after getting up, your body is still in the detox phase because your metabolism has not yet fully ramped up.

Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations are self-affirming sentences. For this, you choose a guiding principle that you want to follow throughout the day. A sentence that will positively influence your daily routine and your way of thinking. For example, “I am filled with gratitude and show that to my fellow human beings”.

Listen To Your Favorite Song

We all love that feeling when our favorite song is suddenly played in a bar. When a feeling of happiness runs through your whole body and your everyday worries seem to have been forgotten. Canadian researchers have long since proven that listening to music you like leads to the release of the happiness hormone dopamine. Your favorite playlist should be part of the morning routine.

Have Your Goals And Vision In Mind

Why do you get up in the morning? What is your motivation, your vision, your purpose in life? Whether it’s the top scorer at the World Cup, pizza maker of the year or the dream of the farm: Visualize your goals. Hang them up visibly and read them through every morning. This way you internalize it and do not lose sight of your great vision. You are also more likely to take steps every day that will bring you closer to your goal.